STOCKBOOK Release Notes
Outcross Systems are embarking on an exciting phase of development to renew our technology platform and products from our base of industry leadership.
We are investing in people and technology to ensure that we continue to be your trusted provider of technology solutions for your business.
Release notes are part of that development, and here you will find a list of our updates.
2025.1.1 (March 2025)
Major Updates
- YardsTech EID stick reader added to Live entry
- Added ability to filter on DNA results
- DNA status added to front animal screen
- Import time for Sheep Genetics files significantly reduced
Minor Updates
- Increased functionality for extra carcase data fields, including import and export
- Traits observed’ field added to Breedplan EBV table
- Spelling errors in traits section corrected
Bug Fixes
- Days to calving popup removed when moving between animal windows
- Data transfer no longer creating status history records
- Pedigree only animals from data transfer no longer have additional status history
- Passed animals no longer increase drafting tallies in Live Entry
- Scrotal circumference no longer appearing in ‘weights only’ Breedplan exports
- SG xml file only includes syndicate sires used in the given mating period
- SG xml file excludes all syndicates with incorrect flock and breed codes
- SG xml only includes the first recorded weight for a given life stage
- SG xml includes outcomes from syndicate sire matings when the specific sire is identified in the performance section
- Carcase data now exports correct fields in master csv
- Extra carcase data field labels now save after editing
- Fate codes for Hereford, Droughtmaster and Angus NZ rectified for exports
- Nonresponsive User report button fixed
2024.4.4 (December 2024)
- Fixed issue for animals when changing Primary IDs to one that already existed
2024.4.2 (November 2024)
- Added the ability for recording DTC fates in Live Entry
- Fixed issue with performing Sale/Death/Disposals under the Events menu
- Fixed issue with performing Sale/Death/Disposals in Live Entry
2024.4.1 (November 2024)
Major Updates
- Updated Society fate codes and associated exports
- Updated DNA test request to include both Aus and NZ breed societies
- Updated Sheep Genetics export to include Mating data within year drop
Minor Updates
- Updated BreedPlan fate code to DTC (Days to Calving) fate codes
- DTC Fate codes automatically update from Society fate code updates
- Updated sync time stamps
- Updated Calf registration exports to reflect Society requirements
- Updated BreedPlan traits to restrict data abnormalities
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with animals being active when returned from archive
- Fixed issue with Live entry pregnancy test window not displaying days, weeks and months
- Fixed issue with Live entry status changes
- Fixed issue with Live entry weights exceeding 999kg
- Fixed issue with History tabs displaying in non-chronological order
- Fixed issue with Semen inventory average price
- Fixed issue with Front display for Birth weights
- Fixed issue with ET donor dams changing
2024.3.1 (August 2024)
Major Updates
- Greatly improved overall performance of syncing across the board
- Added prompt for the reconciliation sync
Minor Updates
- Added the Outcross Systems logo to some reports that were missed
- Removed unused options in ‘Other Options’ of the Sync Client
- Removed ‘Just sync’ from the changes Pending Prompt
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with sync notifications on Windows 11
2024.2.2 (May 2024)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue when highlighting animals via Events and Filtering
- Fixed issue with the Event History Preg Testing Report
2024.2.1 (May 2024)
Major Changes
- Stockbook has been re-branded to align with the Outcross Systems colours and themes
- Logos and icons have been updated to match the new theme
- Bug reports have been updated to get emailed to
- Updated 2024 MERINOSELECT indexes to match Sheep Genetics requirements (Click here to learn how to update your indexes)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with running the Event History Report
- Fixed an issue with notes when importing a replacement tag
- Fixed an issue with generating some data transfer files
2024.1.2 (April 2024)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue in the Master CSV Export function with exporting NLIS IDs, Owners, Birth Year, Genetic/SG Mgt. Groups, and Livestock Classes
- Fixed an issue with importing data files where an error stating the EID would change would be incorrectly displayed
- Fixed an issue with import data templates not importing saved fields as expected
- Fixed an issue when trying to dispose animals under some societies
2024.1.1 (April 2024)
Major Updates
- Added new options to record Pregnancy Tests Results in days and months as well as week
- Added new checkbox to Animals screen to prevent accidental changes to Sire, Dam, Society ID, and Tattoo
- Added new EBV’s and Indexes for Angus Australia
- Updated Hereford Fate Export options to match society requirements
- Updated Contact details and lookup screens relating to contacts throughout Stockbook
Minor Updates
- NLIS – Increase limit on password field
- Updated Sheep Genetics Export options to align with industry requirements
- Updated the ET module screens to show Sires and Dams in ID order
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with Sheep Genetics Export exporting animals outside the specified flock codes
- Fixed issue where some users could not access User Reports under some circumstances
- Fixed issue with status history when creating joinings in Live entry with embryos
- Fixed issue with running some NLIS Audit reports
- Fixed issue with DNA Details tab not loading correctly when in the secondary animals view screen
- Fixed issue with printing report for a list of embryos within an ET program
- Fixed an issue with performance relating to syncing for the first time
2022.1.10 (December 2023)
Minor Updates
- Improved the sorting for Recipient Dams in the ET Module
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with printing the list of embryos for the selected program.
2022.1.9 (November 2023)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the Indicator/Pointer arrow disappearing from the Animals Main Display Table
2022.1.8 (October 2023)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Bug report error 5006: The bookmark specified has not been set. Bookmark key sizes are not the same.
- Fixed an issue when Selecting Animals multiple animals and then sorting the animals list
- Updated the Animal Sort List to sort using ID1 as the secondary sort criteria under other matching sort conditions
- Fixed an issue with treatment Batch and dosage mls not showing in Handled Animals within Live Entry
2022.1.7 (September 2023)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with Status Dates changing to 30/12/1899 when Syncing Animals under some circumstances
2022.1.6 (August 2023)
Minor Updates
- Added compatibility with Sheep Genetics MERINOSELECT Research Indexes
- Improved the speed of loading the animal list
- Added new option for Rinstrum X320 scales in Live Entry
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with syncing images
- Fixed an issue with the backup database comment
- Fixed an issue loading the semen inventory list
- Fixed an issue with importing carcass values
- Fixed an issue with the Stock Reconciliation Report animal counts
- Fixed an issue loading some reports
2022.1.4 (June 2023)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issues relating to performing joinings
- Resolved issues with renaming an animal’s primary ID
- Resolved issues that occurred in some circumstances relating to deleting animals
- Optimised carcase data import processes to handle files without prices
2022.1.3 (May 2023)
Major Updates
- Made Improvements to Performance and Useability of Live Entry
- Fixed issue that caused a crash when editing a live entry template
- Added the ability to add a joining to an ET program in Live Entry
- Added the ability to implant an embryo in Live Entry
- Fixed issues with batch numbers in ‘Add Animal Template
- Improved connectivity with Yards Tech scales when performing auto drafting
- Added a new embryo window in Live Entr
- Fixed an issue with retaining fields when typing a visual Id to select an animal
- Updated Embryo Transfer Module
- Enhanced the ET Module with options for managing IVF
- Added an option to the Bulk Joinings screen to add a joining to an ET program
- Added the option to enter your own Embryo Id prefix when adding embryos
- Improved access to the Purchase and Sale details by displaying them on the Embryo screen
- Improved access to the ET Module by moving all options to the toolbar
- Improved embryo filtering options
- Improved embryo purchase & sale details view
- Updated embryo and recipient status workflows
- Updated Semen Inventory
- Added the optional field for ‘Practitioner’
- Added a notes column in Semen Inventory and Embryo Inventory
- Added the ability to add a new sire from the batch screen
- Added a detail columns and sale information to the semen inventory list
- Added a total line to the semen inventory list
- Fixed an issue with Semen inventory closing the animal list on exit
- Added an option to mark a semen batch as ‘Collected’ or ‘Purchased
- Added system logging to Stockbook update procedures
- Increased the size of the animal colour field
- Updated the Trading Report grouping
- Improved status changes to preg testing in Live Entry
- Improved data export process to include 2 decimal places for Weights, Scanning and Traits
- Updated the Carcase.dat csv file export to match the latest Breedplan format
- Improved backup procedures for databases larger than 4GB
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue on Embryo screen Error when adding new Recipient Dams
- Fixed issue in the utility menu when running ‘Delete Duplicate EBVs’
- Fixed issue with the DNA Test Request form refreshing
- Fixed issue with invalid message about table MULTDAM during upgrade process
- Fixed message box workflow when removing a Dam from an animal
- Fixed issues with access violation errors when printing reports and exporting them to CSV
- Fixed issues with the ‘Status Date’ changing incorrectly against pedigree animals
- Fixed issues with syncing some specific data points
- Fixed issues with assigning paddocks when creating new animals
- Fixed a calculation issue with the ‘Stock Reconciliation’ report
- Fixed notification messages when importing SG files
- Fixed issue with importing the correct sire and dam from SG files